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Text File | 1991-01-27 | 45.3 KB | 1,206 lines |
- Fractal Paint User's Manual
- Copyright (c) 1990-1991
- International ComputerSmiths
- 3726 West Broadway
- Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V6R 2C1
- tel: (604) 224-5242
- bbs: (604) 224-5247
- Version 1.04
- Jan. 26, 1991
- 1. Introduction to Fractal Paint
- Fractal Paint is an interactive graphics design
- program. Fractal Paint can draw lines, rectangles, ellipses
- and text like any other drawing program. However, Fractal
- Paint also lets you draw more complex images called
- fractals. Before Fractal Paint, fractals were drawn out
- laboriously on computer screens often taking overnight to
- calculate. With Fractal Paint you can create fractal shapes
- instantly.
- - Fractal Paint is a tool for artists and scientists to
- create complex landscapes quickly.
- - Fractal Paint eliminates the tedium of computer graphics,
- allowing different levels of self replication without
- manually drawing in every line.
- - Fractal Paint allows users to create their own unique
- fractals.
- - Fractal Paint can inspire designers of all mediums.
- - Fractal Paint is an ideal program for producing business
- cards, advertisements and other copy that benefits from
- eye-catching graphics.
- Fractal Paint runs under Microsoft Windows (Version 3.0
- or higher) on any computer with a mouse that will run MS-
- Windows. Fractal Paint objects can be exported into
- Microsoft Paint as well as many other Windows-based programs
- through the Windows Clipboard.
- To run Fractal Paint, Microsoft Windows must be
- installed on your hard drive. To install Microsoft Windows
- refer to the Microsoft Windows manual. If you do not have
- Microsoft Windows, then contact a local Computer Software
- Dealer and purchase it. Make sure you purchase version 3.0
- or higher. If you own a lesser version of Windows, it is
- well worth your while to upgrade.
- :1.1 Installation of Fractal Paint
- To install Fractal Paint copy the files from the Program
- Floppy Disk to a directory on your computer's hard drive.
- For instance, to install Fractal Paint on the C: Drive
- in its own directory C:\FP: and to create the subdirectory
- type:
- C: - select C: drive.
- cd \ - start at the root directory.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/2
- mkdir FP - create the FP subdirectory.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/3
- Now you must copy the program files to this directory so
- type (this assumes you have just typed what is above and
- that the program floppy is in drive A:):
- cd FP - enter the FP subdirectory
- copy a:*.* - copy all the files over.
- Now the easiest way to run Fractal Paint is to install
- its icon in a program group in the Program Manager and
- double click on that icon. First start Microsoft Windows,
- and when in the Program Manager select the Windows
- Applications program group as the current window. Then
- choose File - New and select program item, then for the
- program path choose C:\fp\fp.exe and choose the icon. Refer
- to your MS-Windows manual for more information on the
- Program Manager.
- :1.2 Introduction to Fractals
- What is a Fractal?
- "A fractal is a curve whose Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension
- is larger than its Euclidian dimension." Dr. Benoit B.
- Mandelbrot
- Fractals are mathematical objects with the property of
- being self-similar. Fractals are everywhere, they are the
- geometric patterns found in nature: in tree branches, in
- contours of a coast-line, in peaks of mountains, in veins on
- leaves, in cumulus clouds.
- Formerly called "monsters" and "dragons" by traditional
- geometricians, fractals are now an accepted part of
- geometry. These are objects that have a similar structure
- when observed at any magnification. For instance, when you
- look at a coast-line it looks similar no matter how closely
- you look at (i.e., from 20,000 feet you see big bays and
- peninsulas and from close up you see little bays and
- peninsulas).
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/4
- 2. The Menus
- :2.1 The File Menu
- +-----+
- |File |
- +-----+-----+
- |New |
- |Open... |
- |Save |
- |Save As... |
- +-----------+
- |Print... |
- +-----------+
- |Exit |
- +-----------+
- The file menu is used to clear the current drawing, load
- a new drawing, save the current drawing, print the drawing,
- or exit the program.
- New. . .
- Selecting New clears the current drawing and all
- associated fractal or L-system definitions.
- Open. . .
- Selecting Open, brings up a dialog box with a list of
- files to choose from, and space to enter a different file
- spec or file name. You can use this dialog box to move
- around directories as well. To choose a file select it and
- then press return or click on OK, or alternately double
- click on the file you wish to select.
- By default this dialog box lists files with the ".FPL"
- (for Fractal Programming Language) extension. If you want a
- different extension enter "*.ext" where ext is the extension
- you wish in the file name field and press return or click on
- OK. To traverse directories select [..] to go up a
- directory. Directories are listed in bold; to enter a
- directory, select it. If you decide you don't want to
- choose a file click on Cancel or press the escape key.
- Save. . .
- Selecting Save will save your file with no further
- prompting if you already have a file name associated with
- the drawing (through Open or Save As). If there is not
- already a file name (indicated in the title bar of the
- program), then the Save As dialog box will be presented.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/5
- Save As. . .
- Selecting Save As will bring up a dialog box that allows
- you to type in the desired file name. Type in the entire
- file name including any path information, using the standard
- DOS syntax for files and paths. If you do not provide an
- extension then a default of ".FPL" will be used. Click OK
- or press return to carry out the save, or click Cancel or
- press escape to return to the drawing without saving.
- Print. . .
- Selecting Print will print the drawing to the printer.
- Printing can take a long time, so while the drawing is being
- composed for printing a dialog box is presented allowing you
- to cancel the printing process. If you have the spooler
- installed then the spooler will be given a temporary file to
- print.
- Exit. . .
- Selecting Exit, terminates the program and returns you
- to the MS-DOS Executive.
- If you select Open, New or Exit and the drawing has been
- altered without being saved then a dialog box asking you
- whether you want to save the changes or not before exiting
- the program will be displayed. To Save the drawing click OK
- or press return. To exit without saving click on No to
- return to the drawing without saving or exiting click on
- Cancel.
- :2.2 The Edit Menu
- +-----+
- |Edit |
- +-----+------------------+
- |Undo Alt+BkSp |
- +------------------------+
- |Cut Shift+Del |
- |Copy Ctrl+Ins |
- |Paste Shift+Ins |
- |Clear Del |
- +------------------------+
- |Select next F2 |
- |Select last F3 |
- +------------------------+
- Undo. . .
- Selecting Undo undoes the last editing operation
- performed (if it can). The Undo selection will be grayed in
- the menu if there is nothing to undo.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/6
- Cut. . .
- Cut will copy a selected object to the clipboard and
- delete the object from the drawing. If no object is
- selected then Cut will be grayed in the menu. A object that
- has been cut can be pasted back into Fractal Paint or pasted
- into another Windows application.
- Copy. . .
- Copy will copy a selected object to the clipboard
- without deleting it. If no object has been selected then
- Copy will be grayed in the menu. A copied object can be
- pasted into Fractal Paint or another Windows application
- (such as Windows Paint).
- Paste. . .
- Paste will add the object in the clipboard to the
- drawing. If there is nothing in the clipboard then paste
- will be grayed in the menu. The data in the clipboard
- should be a FPL (Fractal Programming Language) program
- segment, such as something cut or copied from Fractal Paint
- however, you can edit your own FPL code in Notepad and copy
- it into Fractal Paint in this manner.
- Clear. . .
- Clear deletes the selected object without first copying
- it to the clipboard (Clear in no way affects the clipboard).
- If no object is selected then Clear will be grayed in the
- menu.
- :2.3 The View Menu
- +-----+
- |View |
- +-----+--------+
- |Fit in window |
- |Actual size |
- |2 X |
- |3 X |
- |4 X |
- +--------------+
- |Page... |
- +--------------+
- The View menu is used to change the magnification of the
- drawing on the screen and adjust the page size and margins.
- Fit in Window. . .
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/7
- Fit in Window will cause the entire drawing to be fitted
- exactly into the drawing window.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/8
- Actual Size. . .
- Actual size will cause a display pixel to equal a
- logical pixel for a maximal blowup.
- 2 X, 3 X and 4 X. . .
- 2 X, 3 X and 4 X will magnify the drawing two, three or
- four times original size in the drawing window. When the
- drawing is magnified, scroll bars are added to the drawing
- window, so that you can scroll around the drawing.
- Page. . .
- Page brings up a dialog box to adjust the page size and
- margins.
- :2.4 The Program Menu
- +--------+
- |Program |
- +--------++
- |Edit... |
- |Print... |
- |Run |
- +---------+
- The program dropdown menu is used to edit, print or run
- the FPL program that represents the drawing.
- Edit. . .
- Edit brings up an edit window containing the FPL
- program. You can move or size the edit window like any
- other window. When you are done with the edit window you
- can close it from its system box. Use the scroll bars to
- move around the program, type new text, or delete old text
- with backspace (remember Del will clear the currently
- selected object).
- Print. . .
- Print will print out the FPL program in text format on
- the attached printer. If the Windows print spooler is
- installed, then a temporary file will be spooled.
- Run. . .
- Run runs the FPL program. Use this selection to redraw
- the screen. If you edit the program in the edit menu, then
- you must use this to show the changes you made in the
- drawing window.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/9
- :2.5 The Draw Menu
- +------+
- |Draw |
- +------+-----------------------------+
- |Define base shape... |
- |Define L-systems... |
- +------------------------------------+
- |Edit text and text type... Ctrl+T |
- |Line style... Ctrl+L |
- |Patterns... Ctrl+P |
- +------------------------------------+
- This dropdown menu allows you to define and edit fractal
- definitions as well as alter or edit text, fill patterns or
- line styles.
- Define Base Shape. . .
- The Define Base Shape item allows you to define the base
- shape of your fractal:
- The Base Shape is what starts the fractal. It is shown
- in the tool box for you to select when you draw the fractal.
- The Base Shape is what you get if you draw the fractal at
- level 1 (set by the Options menu fractal dialog box). At
- level 2 each line segment of the Base Shape is replaced with
- a copy of the Base Shape. At level 3, each line segment of
- the level 2 drawing is replaced by the Base Shape. This is
- the fractal process.
- To define a fractal Base Shape with this dialog box, you
- draw the base shape by moving a little turtle around (a
- pointing icon). You move this turtle forward and backwards
- with the Forward: + and - buttons. You turn the turtle
- using the Turn + and - buttons. The turn increment can be
- altered from the Options menu in the fractal dialog box.
- Normally you draw with the pen down, however you can put the
- pen up to draw discontinuous fractals like a mainland with
- islands. As you draw the Base Shape it will appear in the
- drawing area on the right-hand side of the dialog box.
- When you click on OK (or press return) the new fractal
- Base Shape will appear in the tool box allowing you to draw
- this fractal at any level in the drawing area. A computer
- generated name for this fractal also appears in the tool
- menu. Clicking on Cancel or pressing the escape key will
- exit the dialog box discarding any drawing you may have
- done.
- Define L-systems. . .
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/10
- L-systems are a generalization of the Base Shape
- definitions. They define a fractal by a number of symbolic
- equations (called production rules) and an axiom to draw
- them. This dialog box allows you to edit existing L-systems
- and create new ones. You can also evolve L-systems by
- creating a number of child systems obtained from the parent
- system by random perturbation.
- To edit an existing L-system select it in the list box
- of current L-systems and click on the Load button to load
- its production rules, axiom, name and angle into the dialog
- box. To save an L-system make sure the Name field is what
- you want (a new name for a new L-system, an old name to
- replace an old L-system) and click on the OK button or press
- Enter. To disregard any changes and exit with a click on
- the Cancel button or press escape.
- L-systems, or string rewriting systems, are algorithms
- that produce character strings which are interpreted as
- curves and pictures. L-systems provide an elegant way to
- generate the classic fractal curves such as the von Koch
- snowflake, von Koch islands, Hilbert and Peano space-filling
- curves and branching patterns such as trees and bushes.
- Fractal Paint Turtle
- In the course of the algorithm, a long string of
- characters is generated. Fractal Paint has a more direct
- and efficient way of rendering these curves; however, this
- is more instructive. The characters are letters of the
- alphabet or special characters such as '+', '-', '[', ']',
- '/', etc. Such a string corresponds to a picture. The
- correspondence is established via a turtle which interprets
- the characters sequentially as basic commands such as "move
- forward", "turn left", "turn right", etc.
- The main ingredient of the method is the algorithm for
- string generation. A first string of only a few characters
- must be given. It is called the axiom. Then each character
- in the axiom is replaced by a string taken from a table of
- production rules. This substitution procedure is repeated a
- prescribed number of times according to the fractal level to
- produce the end result.
- In order to specify a complex curve or tree, only a few
- production rules will suffice. The axiom along with the
- production rules may be regarded as the genes which control
- the "growth" of the object. This information is very small
- as compared to the complexity of the resulting picture. The
- challenge is to find the axiom and production rules
- necessary to produce a given object or an object with given
- properties. This is a topic of current research, but
- methods do exist, such as evolution.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/11
- As an introductory example, let's consider the von Koch
- snowflake curve. Consider a turtle that obeys the following
- commands: 'F' draw a line forward, '+' turn right by 60° and
- '-' turn left by 60°. We start out with a straight line
- denoted by "F". This is the axiom of the von Koch snowflake
- curve.
- In stage 1, the line is replaced by a line forward, a
- left turn, a line, two right turns (for a total of 120°), a
- line, a left turn and another line. In the turtle's
- language this can be written as the string "F-F++F-F".
- Subsequently, each line symbolized by the character 'F',
- again has to be replaced by the string "F-F++F-F". Thus, in
- stage 2 we have the string "F-F++F-F-F-F++F-F++F-F++F-F-F-
- F++F-F" and so forth.
- In summary, we have that when proceeding from one stage
- to the next we must replace a character 'F' by the string
- "F-F++F-F", while the characters '+' and '-' are preserved.
- Thus, the L-system consists of the axiom "F", the production
- rules: "F -> F-F++F-F", "+ -> +", "- -> -" and angle 60.
- Generally if a production rule is not listed it is assumed
- to be the identity mapping such as "+ -> +".
- The turtle commands that Fractal Paint uses are:
- 'F': move forward in the present direction and draw a
- line.
- 'G': move forward in the present direction without
- drawing a line.
- '+': turn left by the given angle.
- '-': turn right by the given angle.
- '|': turn back (turn by 180°).
- '[': save the state of the turtle on the stack.
- ']': restore the state of the turtle from the top of the
- stack.
- '/': divide the drawing line length by 2.
- '!': reverse the meaning of + and -.
- '@nnn': multiply line length by nnn where nnn is a
- decimal number such as 2.323, 'I' and 'Q' can
- precede the number, 'I' meaning take its inverse and
- 'Q' meaning take its square root.
- 'Cnnn': set color to nnn where nnn is a 24 bit windows
- RGB color. (i.e. the low order byte is how much red,
- the next byte is how much green and the next byte is
- how much blue.
- '>nnn': increase the color by nnn.
- '<nnn': decrease the color by nnn.
- Any other symbols are ignored by the turtle in the final
- rendering, but are still important for constructing the
- drawing path.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/12
- Note for the color's used 0 is black, FFFFFFH is white,
- FFH is red, FF00H is green FF0000H is blue. You can use the
- Windows Calculator accessory to convert hex values to
- decimal to use in your fractal definition. (The L-systems
- interpreter does not under stand hex values.)
- Evolve
- When you click on the Evolve button, then a dialog box
- pops up which draws the current L-system, at a fractal level
- set by the Evolve Level field, and seven child L-systems.
- The child systems are derived from the parent (original) L-
- system by randomly altering its axiom, production rules or
- angle.
- From this dialog box you can choose one of the child L-
- systems to replace the parent, or choose the parent to stay
- the same. By choosing the L-system that looks most like
- the way you want it and iterating this process, you can use
- evolution or controlled selection to construct an L-system
- that has the properties that you desire. You can also use
- this feature to generate variations on a theme, such as
- drawing a forest of similar but not identical trees.
- Edit Text & Text Style. . .
- Selecting edit text and text style brings up the text
- dialog box. With this dialog box you can Edit Text in the
- drawing window as well as the Text Style. You can also set
- the Text Style for future text and enter new text for the
- drawing window. If some text is selected when you invoke
- this dialog box, then that text will be displayed in the
- Enter text field and can be edited there. Also the Text
- Style characteristics will be displayed and can also be
- edited.
- Text height is the height of the text in points, the
- text width is the width of each character in points, if
- width is 0 then the character width will be whatever is
- appropriate for this character height. In Character Format,
- weight is a number between 0 and 1000 and refers to how bold
- the character should be, 900 is bold and 0 is normal.
- The Font Name list box lists all available printer fonts
- and screen fonts. For the printer fonts to be correct, the
- correct printer must be installed by Windows (see the
- Windows manual on how to do this).
- The Background field determines if each character will
- erase a little square around it, or if the background will
- be visible through the character.
- Color sets the Text Color and Background Color sets the
- color of the little rectangle drawn around the character in
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/13
- White Out background mode. Note that not all combinations
- of Color and Background Color produce visible text. If you
- have a color monitor then the color will be displayed, if
- you have a monochrome display then you are limited to black
- or white, and the same goes for the printer depending on its
- color capability.
- A sample of how the text will look on the screen is
- presented on the bottom of the dialog box. Windows can not
- accurately display printer fonts on the screen, but will do
- the best it can.
- Line Style. . .
- The line style selection brings up the line style dialog
- box. This dialog box allows you to change the line width,
- color and style for the selected object and for future drawn
- objects. You select the color by using the scroll bars to
- select the composition out of red, blue and green. A sample
- of the line is provided to help you choose. Click OK or
- press Return to make the change, or click Cancel or press
- escape to quit without making any changes.
- Patterns. . .
- The Patterns item brings up the patterns dialog box
- This dialog box allows you to change the pattern of a
- selected rectangle, rounded rectangle or ellipse as well as
- set it for all future rectangles, rounded rectangles and
- ellipses. Click OK or press Return to make the change, or
- click Cancel or press Escape to return without making any
- changes.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/14
- :2.6 The Tools Menu
- +-------+
- | Tools |
- +-------+-----------+
- | Selection |
- | Text |
- | Line |
- | Rectangle |
- | Rounded Rectangle |
- | Ellipse |
- | F1 |
- | F2 |
- | LSYS1 |
- | LSYS2 |
- +-------------------+
- This menu provides an alternative to using the Tools
- box. If you maximize the drawing window, then the toolbox
- becomes inaccessible and this provides an alternative method
- of selecting tools. A check mark appears next to the
- selected tool.
- :2.7 The Options Menu
- +--------+
- |Options |
- +--------+----+
- |Show toolbox |
- |Rulers |
- +-------------+
- |Fractal... |
- +-------------+
- This dropdown menu lets you set some miscellaneous
- options.
- Show toolbox. . .
- Show toolbox will recreate the toolbox window if you
- previously closed it from its system menu. If the toolbox
- is displayed then this menu item is grayed.
- Rulers. . .
- Rulers will display rulers along the top and left side
- of the drawing window. This is to aid in positioning
- objects on the page. To remove the rulers then select this
- item again.
- Fractal. . .
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/15
- When you select the Fractal item from the Options drop
- down menu, you can select a number of options that affect
- drawing in other parts of the program.
- The first set of buttons let you select the fractal
- level that will be used when drawing any future fractals.
- The turn increment box lets you enter the turn increment
- that will be used when you press the '+' or '-' turn buttons
- in the Define Base Shape dialog box.
- The next check box select whether Fractal Paint will
- automatically redraw the screen whenever required. You
- might want to turn off this automatic redrawing if you have
- a drawing that requires a long time to redraw and you are
- doing a lot of switching between windows.
- :2.8 Help
- To get Help click on the Help menu item or press the F1
- key. Help is a separate program to Fractal Paint that comes
- with Microsoft Windows. It can be moved and sized like any
- other Windows application. To move through the Help text
- use the scroll bars in Help's text area. For more
- information on the Help program refer to the MS-Windows
- manual.
- 3. Fractal Programming Language
- The image in the drawing window is represented
- internally to Fractal Paint as a program in FPL (Fractal
- Programming Language). You can write your own FPL programs
- or edit existing FPL programs using the Edit window
- (obtained from the Program dropdown menu), or by using
- another text editor (and transferring the program to Fractal
- Paint through the Clipboard or as ASCII text file usually
- with an ".FPL" extension).
- FPL is a very simple assembly-like language with one
- statement per line and each statement consisting of a
- command (like MOVETO) and a number of arguments separated by
- white space (spaces and tabs).
- When you edit drawings using the Tool Box and the
- various dialog boxes, you are in fact editing an FPL
- program, however Fractal Paint is handling all the details
- for you.
- If you write or edit FPL programs you should try to make
- them look like programs that are generated using the toolbox
- commands. Each object should have a label and coordinates
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/16
- should be zero extended to five digits. If you don't do
- this then some of the toolbox command such as move and some
- of the dialog boxes may have difficulty editing your
- program.
- Fractal Paint uses a logical coordinate system, where
- (0,0) is at the lower left, the X axis extends right to
- (10000, 0), and the Y axis extends up to (0, 10000). This
- coordinate system is then mapped onto whatever page size you
- have specified with the Page Size dialog box.
- Following is a list of all the FPL commands and a quick
- description of their arguments:
- - Define fractal NAME, with cut factor CUTFAC, number of
- defining points NUMPTS, Tn turn after point n, Pn pen
- pos while drawing to point n.
- - Defines a L0-system fractal with the given production
- rules and axiom.
- - Draw fractal NAME, SIZE units across, of level LEVEL.
- - Draw L0-system NAME, at level LEVEL with line segments
- SEG_LENGTH long.
- - Draw a line DIST units in the current direction.
- - Draw a line from the current position to (X,Y).
- - Draw a rectangle with one corner at (X,Y) and the other at
- the current position.
- - Draw a rounded rectangle with one corner at (X,Y) and the
- other at the current position. The width and length of
- the ellipses used to round the corners are XE and YE.
- - Draw an ellipse enclose in the rectangle with one corner
- at the current position and the opposite corner at (X,Y)
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/17
- - Move forward DIST units in the current direction (without
- drawing).
- - Move the current position to coordinates (X,Y) (without
- drawing).
- - Turn ANG degrees.
- - Turn to ANG degrees direction.
- TEXT "String of text"
- - Write the text contained between the quotes starting at
- the current position.
- - Set text style, gives all parameters that Windows can
- accept when rendering text.
- - Sets the line style.
- - Sets the pattern to use for filling regions.
- - Pauses and then clears the screen.
- 4. A Tutorial
- The following is a step by step guide through
- constructing a number of fractals, and through drawing a
- number of objects.
- 4.1 Basic Drawing
- To draw a line; click the mouse on the line tool in
- the Toolbox Window. Position the mouse in the drawing
- window over where you want the line to start. Press the
- left mouse button down and hold it down. Drag the mouse
- around, notice that a line follows the mouse around
- connected to the starting point. When the line is where you
- want it, release the mouse button. To draw most other
- objects you follow the same procedure, you select the object
- you wish to draw, from the Toolbox Window (or Tools menu)
- and then press the mouse button down over the start point
- and release the mouse button over the end point. The
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/18
- exception to this rule is drawing text; which is
- explained further down.
- To alter the way the line looks choose Line style from
- the Draw Menu. Try altering some of the controls in this
- box and then drawing lines to see what effect they have.
- Notice that there is a sample line to show what you are
- selecting in the Line style dialog box.
- To alter the way rectangles and circles look you can
- alter the line that forms their boundary using the Line
- style dialog box. Plus you can choose Patterns from the
- Draw menu and alter the way their interiors are drawn. Try
- playing with these controls and drawing some rectangles to
- get the feel for how it works.
- To draw text, choose the text tool in the Toolbox Window
- (a big T). The click the mouse in the Drawing window where
- you want the text to start. A vertical bar will start
- flashing at this point. This is a cursor that indicates
- where typed text will be placed in the drawing. Now type
- some text. The text will probably be very small, this is
- because the default view in the drawing window is of an
- entire page. You can make the text bigger by selecting Edit
- text and text style in the Draw Menu. You can make the text
- bigger by making the height bigger, perhaps 40. You could
- also "blow up" your view of the drawing using the View menu.
- Try experimenting with this. Try altering different text
- styles as well, such as different fonts, colors, italics,
- etc.
- To delete draw objects, choose the selection tool from
- the Toolbox Window (an arrow in the upper left). Then click
- on the object you wish to delete. A dashed rectangle should
- appear around the selected object. Then choose Clear from
- the Edit menu (or press Del). If you wanted the object
- copied to the Windows clipboard so that you can paste it
- back into Fractal Paint or into another Windows application
- choose Cut instead. (Copy copies it to the clipboard
- without deleting the object.)
- To move an object, choose the move tool from the Toolbox
- Window (a four headed arrow second from the top on the
- left). Then push down the left mouse button over the
- desired object, a dashed rectangle should appear around the
- object, then while holding down the mouse button, move the
- mouse until the dashed rectangle is where you want to move
- the object. Then release the mouse button and the object
- will be moved for you.
- If you have a number of objects stacked on top of each
- other and you wish to select one that is under another one,
- use the Select next and Select previous menu items from the
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/19
- edit menu to bring the desired object to the top of the
- stack so that you can select it.
- 4.2 Defining and Drawing Fractals
- There are two basic ways to define Fractals with Fractal
- Paint. The first we'll try is the simplest. We use the
- Define Base Shape Dialog Box. These Fractals are made from
- a base shape, the first level of these fractals is simply
- the base shape itself. The next level is reached by
- replacing each line in the current level with the base
- shape. To illustrate, first set the turn increment in
- Options - Fractal from the main menu to 60 (degrees), and
- start with a new drawing (File - New). Then go into the
- Define Base Shape Dialog Box from the Draw menu. Press the
- + button after Forward. The turtle should move to the right
- leaving a trail. Press Turn +, and the turtle should turn
- 60 degrees left, now press forward + to move the turtle, now
- press turn - twice and press forward + again. Now press
- turn + and finally press forward + again. Now press OK.
- The Fractal you just define should now appear in the
- toolbox. Try drawing this Fractal first at level 1 and then
- at level 2 and then at level 3 (set by the Fractal Level in
- Options - Fractal). You should be able to see how this
- Fractal is generated from the level 1 base shape you
- created. Play with the Define Base Shape Dialog Box to see
- what wonderful Fractals you can come up with. One good rule
- of thumb is to always have the turtle end up in the
- direction it started from (i.e. all the turns sum to zero),
- also a turn increment of 90 degrees will often generate nice
- looking Fractals easily.
- 5. A Guide to the Enclosed Samples;
- The following table outlines what is in each of the
- sample files contained on the distribution disk. Load the
- file using File - Open from the main menu.
- SAMPLSYS.FPL - Some sample L-System definitions. Try
- drawing these at different fractal levels and different
- sizes.
- SAMPFRAC.FPL - Some sample Fractals made with the Define
- Base Shape Dialog Box. Try drawing these at different
- fractal levels and different sizes.
- TREE1.FPL - A Fractal Tree.
- TREE2.FPL - Another Fractal Tree.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/20
- KOCH1.FPL - A Koch Island.
- KOCH2.FPL - Some Koch Snowflakes.
- LSYS6.FPL: Some more predefined L-Systems to play with.
- When you load them, they appear as tools in the toolbox.
- You can then draw with them or play with them through
- the Define L-Systems dialog box.
- DEMO.FPL - A demo of many Fractals and many of Fractal
- Paints capabilities. If you plan to load this, it might
- be a good idea to turn off automatic redraw in Options -
- Fractal from the menu and then draw the program using
- Program - Run from the main menu. Notice that this demo
- is entirely written in FPL itself.
- 6. Support for Fractal Paint;
- Support for Fractal Paint is available for registered
- users. Have your registration number handy for verification
- when you call. We can be reached at ComputerSmiths, between
- 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time at 604-224-5242, or you
- can download our 24 hour BBS line at 604-224-5247.
- We would love to hear your comments and find out what
- our users are doing with this new drawing program. Call or
- write please.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/21
- 7. References
- To learn more about fractals see the following
- references:
- Abelson, H., DiSessa, A.A. "Turtle Geometry: The Computer
- as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics." Cambridge,
- Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1980.
- Art Matrix, "Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets", A Video tape
- of evolving Mandelbrot and Julia sets, available from:
- Art Matrix, PO 880MJ Ithaca, NY, 14851-0880 USA.
- Mandelbrot, B.B. "The Fractal Geometry of Nature." New
- York: W.H. Freeman and Co., 1982.
- Peitgen, H.-O., Saupe, D. (eds.). "The Science of Fractal
- Images." New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
- To learn more about C and Windows programming see the
- following references:
- Petzold, C. "Programming Windows." Redmond, Washington:
- Microsoft Press, 1988.
- Stevens, R.T. "Fractal Programming in C." Redwood City,
- California: M & T Books, Inc., 1989.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/22
- Appendix A: Updating WIN.INI;
- You can add a line to "WIN.INI" so that when you double
- click on a file with the extension ".FPL", Fractal Paint
- will automatically be run by Windows and Fractal Paint will
- automatically open this file when it starts up.
- To do this you must edit the file "WIN.INI" which is in
- the directory in which you installed Windows. First, save
- the current copy of "WIN.INI", so that if something goes
- wrong you can recover. To edit the file use some standard
- text editor such as Notepad which comes with Windows. All
- you have to do is add one line to the [extensions] section
- of "WIN.INI". Look for a line containing only
- "[extensions]" in "WIN.INI", it is then followed by a number
- of lines that look like "cal=calendar.exe ^.cal". To these
- lines add the line "fpl=c:\fp\fp.exe ^.fpl", assuming you
- installed Fractal Paint on the C: drive in \fp, otherwise
- substitute the drive and path of where you installed Fractal
- Paint.
- Then save "WIN.INI", exit Windows and restart Windows so
- that the change in "WIN.INI" can take effect.
- Fractal Paint User's Manual/23
- Fractal Paint Registration; CardFractal Paint
- Registration Card;
- Fractal Paint is shareware, so if you use this program
- please send $25.00. Without some sort of financial support
- from users, work on this program will not be possible. If
- you send in the $25.00 you will receive a registered next
- version of the program absolutely free. Also, we have a
- forum on the ComputerSmiths BBS only for registered Fractal
- Paint users.
- Please fill out this card, enclose a cheque for $25.00
- and mail it immediately to:
- Fractal Paint Registration
- International ComputerSmiths
- 3726 West Broadway
- Vancouver, B.C.
- V6R 2C1
- Canada
- Product: Fractal Paint Version: 1.0 Registration Number:
- Name: ___________________________________________________
- Company: ___________________________________________________
- Title: ___________________________________________________
- Address: ___________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________
- City: _______________ Province/State: _____________________
- Country: ____________ Postal/Zip Code: ____________________
- Telephone:( ) __________
- Computer Type: AT Comp 286 [ ] AT Comp 386 [ ] PS/2 [ ]
- Diskette Size: 5 1/4" [ ] 3 1/2" [ ]
- Other: _________________________________________
- 1. Introduction to Fractal
- Paint 1
- 1.1 Installation 1
- 1.2 Introduction to
- Fractals 2
- 2. The Menus 3
- 2.1 The File Menu 3
- 2.2 The Edit Menu 4
- 2.3 The View 5
- 2.4 The Program Menu 6
- 2.5 The Draw 7
- 2.6 The Tools 11
- 2.7 The Options 11
- 2.8 Help 12
- 3. Fractal Programming
- Language 12
- 4. A Tutorial 14
- 4.1 Basic Drawing 14
- 4.2 Defining and Drawing
- Fractals 15
- 5. A Guide to the Enclosed
- Samples 16
- 6. Support for Fractal Paint 16
- 7. References 17
- Appendix A
- Updating WIN.INI 18
- Fractal Paint Registration
- Card 19
- TURN 13
- 2 X 6 TURNTO 13
- 3 X 6 Turtle 8
- 4 X 6 Tutorial 14
- Actual Size 6 Undo 4
- Basic Drawing 14 View 5
- Clear 5, 14 WIN.INI 18
- Copy 5
- Cut 5
- Define Base Shape 7
- Define L-systems 7
- Draw 7
- Edit 6
- Edit Text & Text Style 9
- ELLI 13
- Evolve 9
- Exit 4
- Fit in Window 5
- FRAC 13
- Fractal 11
- Fractal Programming Language 12
- Help 12
- Installation 1
- LINE 13, 14
- Line Style 10
- LSYS 13
- MOVE 13
- New 3
- Open 3
- Options 11
- Page 6
- Paste 5
- Patterns 10
- Print 4, 6
- Program Menu 6
- RECT 13
- Registration 19
- RNDR 13
- Rulers 11
- Run 6
- Samples 16
- Save 3
- Save As 4
- Show toolbox 11
- Support for Fractal Paint 16
- TEXT 13, 14
- Tools 11